Tuesday 20 December 2011

How can i ?

its so hard . loving someone wit all u heart. N now how can i? i wish u miss me too .
im still missing u....always. .
i hope dats in u eyes n u heart is alwys me ...^^

Monday 19 December 2011


Im alwys be u guardian angel. . alwys. Pomise we made even its not u want anymore. 
i will be here . alwys smile N pray for  u.

Im alwys for u. ur guardian angel.

Miss him

StiLL missing him. 
i hope he come back to me..
miss evrythng abt u ...
did u miss me?.......
i hope so.......

Keep strong

Today . My cold weather. Just like before. . i listen to music N write . .
If i could wish something . I wish i have him. . . wish dat he alwys be with me. bcoz all the day i have , it bcoz in my heart had him.. I say to myself. Eve.....dont cry anymore.. smile. so i smile.. but even smile. its hurt. So its okay Eve . U can through u day. U heart not hurt bcoz u dont try the best for him. But he couldnt love u. But why bfore this its small matter whn u promise evrythng abt us. Its a big liar. ...

But i dont wanna blame anyone. bcoz since im knowing him. since he came into my life . U ar my evrythng to me. U are perfect to me Even the fact ...Leave me its u. . i dont mean he leave go somewhere far away from me.. but he leave my heart. So dats y my heart hurt.. Even im still loving him..

Eve . Loving him frm away.. see him make me happy too. . So keep strong . Pray for him..

 But its okay.... Eve . Just say its okay. ^^=

Sunday 18 December 2011

My Heart

I cant undrstnd myself N my heart. . alwys bcoz i couldnt hate someone dats wnt to leave me. So pity, im not hurt bcoz im loving him so much but i hurt whn my half heart gone, i cant balance myself..i can smile,i can stand, i can do anythng, but my heart so cold, the true is i have a big disease in my heart.... its being unwanted. so cruel. its so hurt. bcoz whn we made a promise. I write in my heart, in my brain n evry place . i cant breath without him,, [Eve u ar my destiny...  ] im happy whn he promise. But nw its over to him,,, But me... alwys the same... The promise i made. alwys be promise... I will loving him for the rest of my life. im not push myself to loving him, bcoz its so hurt whn im try o forget him. Its okay . See him happy make me happy too.. ^^ . U be free my love. Go anywhere u wnt to go. but u must knw. . Evry second i breath its remind me abt u n abt us. . . evrythng. . My Love u a so lucky coz im loving u with my honestly deep in my heart...

Its hurt Me

I got msg " Im dead". 
Im scared,n its hurt me...my heart really like broken angel.im the one most hurt...so hurt me. Im incomplete without u.

March love ♥

I was faLLing in Love with him. So cute with smile. 
My Elmerro . Loving him alwys.

This is first picture i get with him.
Whn i first saw him.i was FaLLing in love. Like a magic.....Tyme jmpa ni i get a Fever,so sweet coz dia sgt tak care.We talk talk talk . . Nvr stop. Its so sweet to with him.